I have tested it: It looks beautiful and it is a solid made scenery. Well worth to spend the money, especially because it is careware.Installation however is not entirely straight forward. Aerosoft designed an installer, which installs the scenery but you have to copy files afterwards if you don't use Orbx GEN. Also, if you want SODE wind socks (instead of BGL), you have to copy files manually to the respective SODE folders. This is not done by the installer (at least not when I installed it).
Aerosoft A320 Professional
Anyway, I cannot recognize a loss of fps by this scenery:around 60 fps on outside view (4790K, 1080TI), which is fine because Hamburg is a heavy area with lots of autogen and EDDH nearby. It comes with a configuration tool in case you would like to switch off features.EDHI also fits nicely with VFR Germany North and comes with different seasons. No need to switch seasons, it is done automatically depending on the period set in the sim. You will also see the big and fat Beluga transporter just docked to a installation hall.Cheers,Chris.